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Social Media vs Engagement - Make yourself heard

Tuesday 3 March 2009

The buzz term for marketing at the moment is social media, but how much does it actually impact customer engagement with your business and brand? Are you pro-actively using social media in the right way to help users engage more with you rather than the platform itself? Are you using the social media platforms effectively to increase communication channels and increase your brand equity?

Social media is a great way to do all the above, but your business model can vastly change the way in which you should be using these mediums. Ensure that your business is not giving your consumers the opportunity to engage more with your communication channel - entice potential customers to interact with you. If they use this platform, make them want to use it to keep track of you. As impossilbe as it may be, try to make yourself indispensible to the platform and your customer by showing relevant, useful content at the right time. Don't Tweet for the sake of it, make it count. Don't let yourself be a "bonus" - ensure you are heard, and you are key to the retention cycle. You will see a massive difference in your ROI.

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